How to Get a Scholarship to Study Abroad

How to Get a Scholarship to Study Abroad

. A Desire Unfulfilled

For many students, the idea of studying at a university abroad seems too far-fetched. Even if they’re academically gifted, studying abroad is nothing but a dream. Why is this perception pervasive? 

Well, studying abroad is notoriously expensive. Many students shudder at the thought of asking their parents to spend a fortune on their studies. Secondly, many Pakistani students live closely with their families. Suddenly being separated from them thousands of miles away in a foreign land is daunting. 

Having said, living on your alone is part of growing up that everybody needs to go through. Meanwhile, regarding the burden of expenses, we have just the solution for you.

. Scholarships vs Other Financial Assistance

First, let’s differentiate between the different types of financial assistance there exists. Scholarships are financial support granted to students based on academic achievement or some other criteria. However, only the examination of a student’s financial condition occurs in the case of grants. The financial status of the student’s family plus the cost of the university determines its obtaining. 

Secondly, loans are a form of financial aid as well. However, the difference between it and scholarships is that loans have to be repaid to the lender. Since most loans come with an interest rate, the amount you pay back is greater than the one you received. The certainty of paying back the loans coupled with the uncertainty of their future makes students reluctant.

. Types Of Scholarships

Many different types of scholarships exist for different students. Here is a list of the most common scholarships.

> Academically Prolific Students

Every university wants students who excel in academics over their peers. To lure them to their institution, they provide lucrative incentives. These often include scholarships and other financial ease.

> Athletic and Artistic Prowess

If you are a student with exceptional athletic or artistic gifts, you’re eligible for a scholarship. However, your word will probably not be enough to convince the university officials of your talents. Scouts and critics are bound to examine your capabilities. However, once cleared, scholarships and other benefits await you.

> Financially Challenged Students

For students with limited finances, many universities provide scholarships to ease their burden. These scholarships are similar to grants. A rigorous process by the universities determines the right students to get these scholarships.

> For Students Of A Region Or Group

Scholarships exist for students belonging to an underrepresented group. This can range from being a woman, or an ethnic minority to students from war-torn countries or regions. These scholarships ensure a better future for students on an unequal footing to their peers.

. How To Get a Scholarship To Study Abroad

Many people and agencies will give you different answers to the question, “How to get a scholarship to study abroad?” Without negating them, we’ll provide you with a complete guide. The availability and obtaining of abroad scholarships for Pakistani students is as follows

> Checklist

To obtain the best scholarship for Pakistani students, complete the following application requirements.

. Personal statement or essay about you and why you deserve said scholarship

. Letter of acceptance from a university 

. Letter of recommendation 

. Financial documents showing your financial limitation to avail of a need-based scholarship.

. Certificates, medals, and further proof of athletic and artistic excellence in case of such a scholarship

> Guide

Whether it’s MBBS scholarships for Pakistani students in the UK or scholarships in Europe, the requirements’ same. Here’s a guide regarding the process.

1 – Go to the university’s/institution’s online scholarship application form. Fill it accurately

2 –  Check for the confirmation email from the university to confirm your registration

3 – If shortlisted, you must send further documents or fill out more applications. In some cases, you’ll have to write a personal statement.

4 – Assemble certificates and documents. Complete all forms the university requires. Often, universities will ask you to attest your documents.

5 – Proofread all the forms and documents to eliminate the possibility of any errors.

6 – Submit all the documents along with the acceptance letter from the university

7 – Wait for the results

. The Wrap Up

All in all, getting a scholarship to study abroad is a daunting prospect. However, we assure you that the experience that awaits justifies the process. So, select your desired university and initiate a long, incredible journey.

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